14 July 2020

Updated club location and contact details

Prague Wargames Club
Address: Na Pankráci 113/604, Prague 4

Name on doorbell: "Klubovna"

Opening Hours:
Monday: 17:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 17:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 14:00 - 22:00

Best to contact in advance if visiting for the first time.
Monthly membership CZK 300.
Non-members CZK 50 per person, per visit.

Klub deskových her
Na Pankráci 113/604
Praha 4
Zvonek "Klubovna"
Otevírací doba:
Pondělí: 17:00 - 22:00
Čtvrtek: 17:00 - 22:00
Sobota: 14:00 - 22:00
Neděle: 14:00 - 22:00
Mimo otevírací dobu je možné chodit, ale po domluvě s někým kdo má klíče
Měsíční členský příspěvek 300kč.
- členové můžou do klubu chodit kdykoliv
- můzou si bookovat vice stolů případně celou klubovnu
- můžou využívat figurky a terény v klubovně
- můžou si přivést jednu osobu, ketrá není členem, za kterou nemusí platit vstupní poplatek
Nečlenové můžou chodit jen v otvírací hodiny a poplatek bude 50Kč na osobu a vstup.

16 March 2015

Chain of Command game - Eastern Front

I thought I would put up a few photos of a recent Chain of Command game that we held at the club in Prague. This was the third game we played with the rules, and the first one with newly painted figures for the Eastern Front (using the Operation Winter Storm scenario book).
The game played very well, and quite fast. The Soviets were making good going capturing a small village, until their T34 went too far along the street without infantry support. German grenades and mines immobilised the tank, while a follow up flank attack shattered one of the Soviet platoons. The Soviets had little choice but to fall back and a German victory was declared.

All the 28mm figures, guns and vehicles are a mixture of Artizan Designs and Warlord Games. The ruined buildings are from 4Ground models. We'll be playing more Chain of Command games at the club over the next few weeks and months.

10 February 2013

Club Programme for February / Program klubu na únor

 Club Programme for February / Program klubu na únor 2013. 
10.2.2013 Moderni skirmish 20mm, Force on Force 
Start / zacatek 14:00
 24.2.2013 Napoleonics / Napoleonika 15mm , General de Brigade
 Start / zacatek 10:00

Where / Kde: DDM - Stanice techniku Vysehrad
Vratislavova 15
128 00 Praha 2

26 December 2012

General de Brigade - Christmas Tournament

The club will be holding a Christmas Napoleonic tournament using the General de Brigade rules.

The will take place on Saturday  29.12.2012. Meeting at 9am to set up tables, and first games to start at 9.30am.

the event will take place at Mephit Club,
Arbesovo náměstí 14
Praha 5 150 00
Participants will need a 1000 point army in 15mm to participate. Usually you can expect to play 3 or 4 games during the day, with the limit per game being 2 hours or 18 turns.

All games will be played on 180x120 cm tables.

The winners and runners up will be based on points accumulated per game according to the following criteria:
1 point for enemy unit destroyed (this includes units that have the status of retreat or rout at the end of the last game turn),
1 point for killing or capturing an enemy general,
1 point each enemy unit flag or eagle captured
1st Place: CZK 300,- voucher for the Mephit shop
2nd Place: CZK 100,- voucher for the Mephit shop
3rd Place: CZK 100,- voucher for the Mephit shop
For participants without full or no armies, we will have some spare armies for use if required.

General de brigade - Vanocni turnaj

chtel bych Vas vsechny pozvat pravidelny Vanocni turnaj v napoleonice.
Sobota 29.12.2012, sraz v  9:00  a zacatek v 9:30

Arbesovo náměstí 14
Praha 5 150 00
Pravidla: General de Brigade Deluxe edition
Meritko: 15mm
Velikost armady: 1000 bodu (Prosim o zaslani army listu pred zacatkem turnaje)
Maximalni delka jedne hry: 2 hodiny nebo 18 kol
Velikost hraci plochy: 180x120 cm
Hodnoceni: Turnaj vyhrava hrac s nejvetsim poctem nasbiranych bodu v odehranych hrach.
Znicena nepratelska jednotka: 1 bod (do znicenych jednotek se pocitajii jednotky ktere maji status Retreat/Raut na konci posledniho kola hry).
Zabity nebo zajaty nepratelsky general: 1 bod
Ukoristeni vlajky nepratelske jednotky: 1 bod

Odmena pro viteze:
1. misto: credit 300,- Kc na nakup v Mephitu
2. misto: credit 100,- Kc na nakup v Mephitu
3. misto: credit 100,- Kc na nakup v Mephitu

Pokud by nekdo nemel kompletni armadu tak se prosim ozvete, mam par armad na pujceni.

24 November 2012

Force on Force - Afghanistan

Just a few shots of a recent game we had at the Prague Wargames Club, using the Force on Force rules. This is a copy of my blog post over at The Wilde Goose blog (http://vonbrowne.blogspot.cz/).

This was my first game with the rules, and I have to say they are really quite good. They were reasonably easy to pick up, and not much page turning was required once we were a few turns into the game. That said though, the excellent umpiring by our long standing club member Petr went along way towards smoothing the way on this one (he also provided all the figures and buildings for the game).

The scenario it self revolved around a team of intrepid TV reporters, a large band of local militia who were out to grab them as hostages etc., and a smaller, but better equipped group of "private contractors" and trained US forces attempting to prevent this (in which they succeeded), as well as to nab the local militia warlord (in which they failed).
Afghan surge, and last stand by US "contractors" (TV crew are standing in front of the domed building).

The outcome? Well a really enjoyable game, with nice scenery, and loads of lovely lead. The local militia came close to success in a mass attack, and took down a few of the US troops, but then training and hardware started to kick in, with the Afghans taking very heavy casualties and their attack brought to a halt.

A ranger extraction team were called in late in the game to get the TV crew out (which reduced the US player's victory points). When added up the US side managed a narrow victory. Anyway, a great game, which seemed to me to be fast moving and intuitive.

08 November 2012

Club Programe for November and December

Hello All. I'd like to announce our club programme for November and December 2012.
11.11.2012 Napoleonic skirmish 28mm, Sharp practice, starting: 14:00

25.11.2012 Napoleonics 15mm, General de Brigade starting: 14:00

9.12.2012 SCW15mm, Fire and fury starting: 14:00

29.12.2012 Napoleonics  15mm - General de Brigade - Christmas Tournament

Club venue: DDM - Stanice techniku Vysehrad, Vratislavova15, Prague 2

Now in Czech:

Program klubu na listopad a prosinec 2012.

11.11.2012 Skirmish Napoleonika 28mm, Sharp practice, zacatek 14:00

25.11.2012 Napoleonika 15mm - velka bitva, General de Brigade, zacatek 14:00

9.12.2012 Americka obcanska valka 15mm, Fire and fury, zacatek 14:00

29.12.2012 Napoleonika  15mm - Vanocni turnaj

Kde: DDM - Stanice techniku Vysehrad
Vratislavova 15
128 00 Praha 2